Welcome to our blog, dedicated to uncovering the hidden and inspiring lifestyles of Newport. We are passionate about breaking the cycle of mental health struggles, drug overdoses, housing instability, incarceration, and employment insecurity. Join us as we share stories of hope and resilience and empower our community to seek positive change.


Regret and success are fickle creatures. you cannot have one without the other. however, sometimes we become so caught up in the wow of remorse that we can't see the success just over the horizon or that with every failure we have marked off another way not to succeed. Reframing your regret will open up a new world of possibilities for your past decisions and your future self.

One of our most inspiring stories is that of Hakim, who overcame tremendous challenges. His narrative serves as a powerful testimonial to the strength of the human spirit and the impact of support and therapy. We encourage you to read his story and be inspired to seek positive change in your own life.

     The light at the end of the tunnel 

One day, Hakim landed a job at a company where he worked hard and eventually became their most valued employee. However, when the company found out about his past criminal charges, they let him go due to their policy against hiring individuals with felonies. This experience threw Hakim into a downward spiral of depression and addiction, causing him to lose several more jobs and face a near-fatal overdose.

After hitting rock bottom, Hakim made the decision to turn his life around. He sought help, quit drinking, and eventually found an opportunity at a nonprofit organization. Although he had no experience in the field, the director saw potential in him and created a new role specifically for him.

Over the next two years, Hakim not only thrived in his new role but also gained a sense of self-worth and confidence that had been lacking in his life. He realized that his past experiences, though challenging, had shaped him into a resilient and compassionate individual.

Hakim's goal became clear - to help others who were facing similar struggles and to show them that their past did not define their future. He became a mentor, offering support and encouragement to those who felt hopeless and lost. Through his own journey of overcoming adversity, Hakim found purpose in helping others see the value within themselves.

As time went on, Hakim's story became an inspiration to many, and he realized that without his past experiences, he wouldn't be in a position to give back and make a positive impact on the lives of others. He embraced his past, never regretting the hardships he had faced, and instead used them as a source of strength and empathy to help those in need.

In the end, Hakim's story became a testament to the power of resilience and the ability to turn a negative past into a positive future, showing that it's possible to find purpose and meaning even in the face of adversity.

         "That is managesting a silver lining story of triumph"!

                   Hakim Coggins, Founder ,Executive Director


"You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it" Maya Angelou

        Supporting Our Community

Aside from seeking therapy and support groups, our website also encourages community members to get involved through volunteering. By giving back to our community, you can make a positive impact and be a part of the silver lining in someone else's story. Explore our volunteering opportunities to see how you can contribute to positive change.

                                       Community volunteers 

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